Truth and Reconciliation Week

The ALCDSB acknowledges this date to bring about structural change, not to simply participate in a one-day event. It is not just only one day for reflecting on the thousands of Indigenous children kidnapped from their parents and taken to Indian Residential Schools across this nation. On this day we remember their families and Residential School Survivors and create space and time to continue to build relationships, have conversations and take action by continuing to do the work.   

Every educator across the ALCDSB has a responsibility to encourage school-based actionable change towards Truth and Reconciliation, and to understand and teach the True History of this country. 
What can you do for September and The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation? 

Here are some guiding principles for school based actionable change:  

  • focus on Indigenous Influencers, Change Makers and True History build with the resources supplied to educators by the Indigenous Education Team   
  • read and center Indigenous Texts with support from Indigenous Education SAT’s  
  • uphold Indigenous Ways of knowing with respect and integrity (work in collaboration with Indigenous Education Team to ensure protocols are upheld)  
  • keep in line with the FNMIEAO Guidelines when engaging with Indigenous knowledge. 
  • explore the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action with your students
  • have students commit to an actionable change moving forward
    For example: 
  • learn about which Treaty your school is situated on  
  • co-create an actionable change with your class, examples: co-create an Indigenous playlist with the class   
  • commitment to reading and centering Indigenous texts or purchasing from local Indigenous owned vendors and shops   

For further reading, research and to donate visit: TSI Tyónnheht Onkwawén:na