Our School » Our Faith

Our Faith

The St. Paul Motto embedded in our school crest is:


Jesus asks his followers to give God the first place in their lives. He desires fulfilment of His New Commandment: "Love one Another as I have loved you." (Jn 13:34). Pope John Paul II spoke of a united world as "the great expectation of today's humanity, the great challenge of our future." With a deep conviction that our source of unity is in Jesus Christ, the St. Paul Community strives to unite in Christian love and caring. This unifying ministry includes families and friends of students and staff, our feeder schools and parishes and our surrounding community. If we love one another in the school, in the community and the world, then the world will believe. This belief forms the basis for St. Paul’s Pastoral Services program
The Pastoral Services team at St. Paul consists of:
Phil Carney, Head of Pastoral Care Department
Claire Marchand, Chaplaincy Leader
Fr. Tim Harrison, Priest Chaplain
Claire Marchand is full time Chaplaincy Leader at St. Paul. She has worked at St. Paul since September of 2000. She has an honours degree from Queen’s University (Canadian Politics) and received her Master in Theological Studies from St. Augustine’s Seminary (University of Toronto) in 2000. To email Ms. Claire Marchand (click here)
Phil Carney is Head of the Pastoral Care Department at St. Paul. He brings his many years of experience in teaching and his deep and tireless commitment to and enthusiasm for Catholic education to the Pastoral Care Team. To contact Mr. Carney, call 613-394-4843 ext. 211
Pastoral Services
The Pastoral Services Team offers a professional service of pastoral support and care for the school community and is a visible sign of the school’s commitment to the spiritual and religious needs of students, staff and their families. It operates under a mandate from the local ordinary, Archbishop Brendan O’Brien. Modelling itself on the compassionate face of Christ, the department seeks to reach out to those in need, in weakness and in poverty. This compassionate dimension of Jesus underpins our ministry and the services it provides
Pastoral Services sees its work as a gatherer of the many gifts of the community. This is to build up the Christian community of St. Paul Catholic Secondary School but also connects St. Paul’s interdependently with the larger community of Quinte West and the world. We seek union with the Body of Christ within and outside our school. Among the services offered are the following:
Sacramental Life/Prayer, Worship and Liturgy
The department coordinates the animation of the daily prayers of the school. There is a monthly school wide Eucharistic celebration. In addition special liturgies are planned for classes and special celebrations, plans penitential services for different grade levels, and seasonal prayer services.
A permanent choir has been established for the school Masses. One class is selected for each Mass to provide the readings, the prayers of the faithful, to be welcomers and gift bearers at offertory. This provides an opportunity for each student in the school to participate directly in the planning of the Eucharistic celebrations.
The priest chaplain provides opportunities for celebration of the sacrament of reconciliation and makes class visits to speak about the sacraments, prayer and worship.
We also provide an ecumenical service to students and staff who are members of other denominations and faith groups.
The ministry of presence/Counselling/Crisis Response/Bereavement
The team ministers to students and staff who may be experiencing personal crisis, hospitalization, or bereavement. This ministry takes the form of hospital and funeral home visitation, confidential counselling and spontaneous pastoral encounters within the school. The team works closely with other staff to identify students in need and makes referrals to other professional services when necessary. Members seek to be present wherever and whenever there is a need for Christian support and concern, and to model this expression of pastoral care for staff and students.
The Pastoral Team also provides support groups for various needs in the school including divorce, grieving, the building self esteem and anti bullying. .
Peace and Social Justice/Respect for Life
St. Paul’s has rich history of promoting the social justice teachings of the Church, including the cultivation of peace in the world, respect for life from conception to natural death, environmental stewardship and awareness of poverty and injustice in the developing world and locally as well as nationally.
Every year students participate in local food drives at Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter. They hold fundraising events during Advent and Lent including the St. Paul’s Annual Pilgrimage which this year raised funds for the St. Paul’s local Habitat for Humanity Build, the 24 hour Think Fast to raise funds for the Catholic Organization for Development and Peace. Every year there is soap drive and the soap is shipped to the developing world. St. Paul students also travel to the Dominican Republic to witness first hand the issues of this developing nation.
Spiritual Development/ Retreats/ Mentoring/Leadership Training
Pastoral services organizes classroom visits, offers retreats for staff and students and coordinates special events and speakers throughout the year, all of which nurture the spiritual life of the school community. In past years we have focussed on issues such as forgiveness, chastity, respect for life, peacemaking and third world issues.
St. Paul students and staff participate in day long retreats that allow for reflection and a deepening of their commitment to integrate their Christian faith into their every day lives.
Community outreach and Parish Liaison
The Pastoral Care Team attends various community meetings in order to maintain contact and communication with families and friends of St. Paul.
In addition, the Chaplaincy Leader attends meetings at the deanery and Archdiocesan levels in areas related to youth ministry. The CL is responsible for presentations to various local groups about pastoral/youth ministry. Maintaining a strong connection with the parishes and community groups affiliated with the school remains an ongoing priority for the Pastoral Services Team.
Class visits, mentoring, leadership training
The Chaplaincy Leader and Priest Chaplains visit classes to make presentations and participate in discussions and catechism. They also encourages leadership from amongst the student body in recognition of the fact that students respond well to positive role models from amongst their peers. The school has a peer mentoring program and Pastoral Services supports that initiative by helping with a yearly retreat for those students and assistance as required.
The Priest chaplains are invited into the classrooms to teach and lead discussions about the Sacraments and Church life. The Chaplaincy Leader visits classes to lead or coordinate para-liturgies and prayer as well as discussions about faith life.